Georges is now 2 months at his forever home and really became a beautiful cat. But I felt he does feel a bit lonely so I decided to find a little friend for him. Georges being FIV+, he or she needed to be FIV+ as well of course. Somewhat unfortunate, but it’s still easy to find cats who are FIV+ infected and I ended up again at Kat Zoekt Thuis where I found Georges two months ago.
There I found Dondertje (Little Thunder), a small, female cat with a medical history even longer than Georges had and desperately needing a quiet, peaceful forever home. The decision was quickly made by me and she now she lives here. For the moment I need to keep Georges and Dondertje a bit separate. Dondertje is not yet ready to accept another cat close by. Hopefully this will change soon when she is fully rested and recovered from all the moving and treatments she got.